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  • Writer's pictureMatt Garay

Quality Over Quantity: Why THC Potency Isn’t the Only Measure of Good Cannabis

As the Lab Director of California's only ZERO RECALL, zero-suspension cannabis testing lab, I’ve had the privilege of seeing the intricate details behind the cannabis we consume. In the realm of cannabis, much like in the world of fine wines and craft beers, true quality is defined by more than just one standout element. While many brands heavily emphasize high THC potency, the cannabis plant offers a much richer and more complex experience through its over 100 different cannabinoids.

THC Potency is one of only many cannabinoids to consider when it comes to quality cannabis
THC Potency Cartoon

Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in cannabis that interact with our body's endocannabinoid system. THC and CBD are the most well-known cannabinoids, but they are just the beginning.

There are over 100 other cannabinoids, each contributing uniquely to the plant’s overall effect. Cannabinoids like CBD, CBN, and CGB, to name a few, play crucial roles in the therapeutic and psychoactive effects of cannabis.

Focusing solely on THC potency is akin to choosing a beer based on its alcohol content.

Sure, a higher alcohol content might get you inebriated faster, but it misses the point of appreciating the beer’s flavor, aroma, and complexity. Similarly, cannabis that boasts high THC levels might give you a good kick, but likely overlooks the nuanced interplay of other cannabinoids that contribute to a well-rounded experience.

The concept of the "entourage effect" describes how different cannabinoids and terpenes work together to produce effects unique to the particular combination present in the strain. These cannabinoids can enhance and modulate the overall effect, leading to a more balanced and potentially more enjoyable experience. 

For instance, both CBD and CBG are known to possess anti-inflammatory properties as well as to alleviate anxiety. CBN, another cannabinoid widely tested for in laboratories, has strong sleep-aid properties.  

At pH Solutions, we test for 20 different cannabinoids to ensure our clients get a comprehensive profile of their cannabis products.

By understanding and valuing the contributions of minor cannabinoids, consumers can make more informed decisions and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the plant. This approach not only elevates the standard of cannabis consumption but also encourages a more sophisticated and health-conscious market.

As consumers, it’s crucial to move beyond the superficial allure of high THC percentages. Just as true connoisseurs of beer and wine look for quality beyond mere strength, cannabis enthusiasts should seek out products that offer a rich tapestry of cannabinoids. By doing so, we can all contribute to a more nuanced and mature cannabis culture.

In crafting this article, I hope to encourage both consumers and producers to recognize the intricate beauty and value of the entire cannabinoid profile. Quality cannabis is about more than just a high THC number; it’s about a holistic experience that engages all the senses and promotes overall well-being.

Elevate Your Standards and choose pH Solutions Lab for your cannabis testing needs and experience the full spectrum of what cannabis has to offer for the best experience for your customers!

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