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  • Writer's pictureJeff Guyton

Hot Take! Michigan Data Reveals Shady Numbers

Hey there, fellow cannabis enthusiasts and industry partners!

So, I stumbled upon an article by Jamie Toth from the Institute of Cannabis Science, and let me tell you, it was quite the eye-opener. Toth dug into some lab results data and uncovered

some shady business from one unnamed lab in Michigan. Apparently, they were single-handedly responsible for a majority of the sky-high THC numbers. 

But let's delve a bit deeper into what Toth uncovered. Through meticulous analysis and data manipulation, he revealed a concerning pattern:

One lab's results consistently showed significantly higher THC levels compared to others in the pool. This discrepancy raises serious questions about the integrity and reliability of their testing methods.

Now, I don't know about you, but when it comes to cannabis testing, accuracy is non-negotiable. Consumers rely on these lab results to make informed decisions about their purchases, whether it's for medical purposes or recreational enjoyment. Manipulating data to inflate THC levels not only deceives consumers but also undermines the credibility of the entire industry.

When you choose pH Solutions, you're not just getting test results – you're getting peace of mind and guidance. Our state-of-the-art facilities and expert team ensure that every sample is rigorously tested according to industry standards, while also strategically working with our clients to provide services like reverse engineering for more profitable yields.

And hey, our track record speaks for itself. Zero recalls since day one. That's right – while other labs may be making headlines for all the wrong reasons, we're quietly setting the standard for excellence in cannabis testing. Because at the end of the day, it's not about cutting corners or boosting numbers – it's about ensuring the safety and satisfaction of consumers.

So, if you're in the market for a lab that's as trustworthy as your favorite strain, look no further. Whether you're a grower, producer, or distributor, we've got your back. Head over to our website and start your testing journey today. Let's blaze a trail toward a brighter, more honest future for the cannabis industry – together.


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